H MP Co n f igu ra tio n AP I - S p in e tiX Te ch n ica l Do cu me n ta tion v3 .1
© S p in e tiX S A A ll rig h ts re se rve d .
P a g e 5 2 of 5 8
Remove all FSM files that are present on the device.
If you want to ensure that a given set of FSM files are available and only this set, you must proceed in
two steps. In the first step, apply a configuration backup with the
. In the
second step, upload the new FSM file in the configuration backup.
For instance, to remove all certificates from the device, use:
HMP300 and HMP350 only
Modified in 3.0.0 firmware release.
Select a custom FSM file as the active protocol file of the device. The protocols files can be uploaded
to the device as part of the compressed backup file. The protocol file selected by this command must
either already be on the device, or uploaded as part of the configuration backup, otherwise the setting
will not be applied.
Note: this parameter will override settings done using
<protocol-disabled>, <protocol-system>
For instance, to enable a "sample" protocol file (which can be created using the tool available at
), use:
HMP300 and HMP350 only
Controls the settings of the serial port, or reset them to their default values.
This command can be used without any parameters to reset all the settings to their default value, or
with the following list of parameters:
Explicitly enable or disable the com port. If set to
the other options are ignored. If
not present or set to
, the com port is enabled.
Configure the baud rate of the serial port, as: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000, or 256000.
Configure the byte size of the serial port, as 7 or 8.
Configure the parity, as: none, even, or odd.