H MP Co n f igu ra tio n AP I - S p in e tiX Te ch n ica l Do cu me n ta tion v3 .1
© S p in e tiX S A A ll rig h ts re se rve d .
P a g e 1 6 of 5 8
Select the aspect ratio of the screen. The HMP can update the rendered content to match the aspect
ratio of the screen, regardless of the signal actually sent to the display. For instance, if you use a
640x480 signal, you can force the aspect ratio to 16:9 so that your content is displayed correctly in
your screen. An empty value will use the default aspect ratio matching the screen resolution.
The possible values are: 4:3, 16:9, 16:10.
Note: Device must be rebooted for this parameter to be applied.
For instance, to set up the aspect ratio of the screen to 16:9, use:
Controls the orientation of the display attached to the player.
The possible values are: horizontal, rotateRight, rotateLeft, rotate180, flipVert, flipHor.
For instance, to set the display orientation to horizontal, use:
Allows the HMP to send power save information using the VGA or DVI signal to turn off attached
screen. When this feature is enabled, it is possible either to use fixed scheduling to control the status
of the screen or to include PowerON or PowerOFF commands in the hypermedia content for a finer
tuning of the parameters of the screen.
The possible values are: yes, no.
Note: Device must be rebooted for this parameter to be applied.
For instance, to enable power save using VGA or DVI signal, use:
Controls a fixed scheduling for turning on and off screen, independent from the content. This
command can be used to set, or to clear the scheduling depending on its content. If the command is
sent without parameters, it will clear any previous schedule. Otherwise, the following parameters must
be set:
Time at which the screen must be turned on. The format expected is HH:MM, where
HH is the time express in 24 hour format. If omitted the value of 00:00 will be used.