H MP Co n f igu ra tio n AP I - S p in e tiX Te ch n ica l Do cu me n ta tion v3 .1
© S p in e tiX S A A ll rig h ts re se rve d .
P a g e 3 8 of 5 8
HMP300 and HMP350 only
Configure the device to use NTP configuration. When using this command, at least one NTP server
must be configured.
This command is composed of the following parameters.
Additional delay in starting up the device, ensuring that the NTP servers are running
before the device boots. The allowed values are: 0, 90, 120, 150, which is the delay
expressed in seconds.
<server-1> ... <server-5>
IP address of the NTP server used by the device. Note that only
compulsory, the other ones are optional.
<monitor-only-1> ... <monitor-only-5>
Indicates whether the server is used for synchronization, or if it is only watched for
Note: this parameter will override settings done using
For instance, to set up the default NTP configuration of the HMP, use:
To set up a slave device to watch a master HMP using its IP address, use: