6875 Freezer/Mill
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SPEX® SamplePrep LLC
DEC 2015
6.3 Loading a Vial into the Freezer/Mill
wall. This allows additional vials to precool during the grinding process. Thus, when the next vial
is to be run, the precool step can be skipped.
Remove the basket from the LN with caution. Do
not immerse a hand into the LN, even when wearing a protective glove. Use a pair of tongs to
grasp the basket handle if it is below or near the LN level.
Check the liquid nitrogen (LN) level and top it off if necessary. Gently close the Freezer/Mill lid,
and latch it shut. At this point a grinding program can be run using the controls described in
Section 5.
Removing a Vial from the Freezer/Mill
At the conclusion of the grinding cycle, unlatch the lid and let the gas cylinders lift it. Do not
force the lid, but allow it to rise at its own speed. If the gas cylinders are too worn or chilled to
lift the lid, lift the lid gently.
Remove the vial or vials from the coil, using gloves or an Extractor/Vial Opener. At this point
either close the lid to conserve LN or insert another vial and begin another grinding cycle.
6.5 Opening, Emptying, and Cleaning Freezer/Mill Vials
6.5.1 Opening a Vial
To open the large vial, slip the open end of the 6804 Extractor/Vial Opener over the flanged end-
plug, align the pegs in the end plug with the slots in the Extractor, and turn the knob clockwise
until the end plug is drawn out. If the end plug is drawn out within a millimeter or two of the end
of the center cylinder and stops, rock the 6804 Extractor gently to dislodge the end plug. Always
be careful that the vial does not fall and spill its contents.
If the Extractor/Vial Opener jams with the end plug part way out, let the vial warm up before
removing the end plug. Forcing out the end plug can damage the Extractor or break the
polycarbonate center section. The best way to prevent the Extractor from jamming is to make
sure both the Extractor and the threaded end plugs are dry and clean before use.
If the Extractor/Vial Opener jams when being threaded into a cold end plug, it is probably due to
water condensing and freezing on the extractor screw. The water freezes when it contacts a cold
end plug. If this happens, make a habit of wiping off the screw with a paper towel before each
use. Note that the end of the screw is tooled with an “X” cut to help remove any ice that forms
on the end plug, but this is not always effective. Chilled vials can also be opened easily and
quickly with the optional accessory 6808 Extractor for Large Freezer/Mill Vials.
On rare occasions a flanged end plug will stick in the vial when cold, even if the Extractor screw
and end plug threads are dry and clean. If this happens do not force the end plug out, as the vial
and/or the Extractor may become damaged. Allow the vial to warm up. The vial can be allowed