6875 Freezer/Mill
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SPEX® SamplePrep LLC
DEC 2015
8.1 Run History
8.2 Accessories
[Electronic Version]
– (Available for purchase at additional cost)
To enter the Accessories Screen touch the Accessories button. In the Accessories Screen items
are grouped into separate categories (e.g. Grinding Vials, Vial Racks, Extractors), as shown in
Figure 17. To open any of the categories listed touch the button to the right of the screen.
For example, pressing the button for the Extractors displays the screen for items available in
this category. (Figure 18)
To close or minimize the items displayed screen, touch the button top-right of the screen.
To return to Resources screen touch the back arrow button located top-left of the screen. (See
Section 8 of Manual for additional accessories listing)
Figure 16
– Run History Screen
Figure 17
– Accessories screen