The metal parts exposed to external agents are treated and/or coated to offer better resistance.
Clean the exposed parts with a sponge using a delicate soap and dry using a soft cloth or shammy leather.
Failure to carry out the cleaning operations could result in cross contamination caused by secretions and / or residuals on the device.
We recommend the use of Spencer STX 99 (cod
ST50000E) polishing detergent.
5.2.1 Precautionary Maintenance
The person who carries out the precautionary maintenance of the appliance (user in person, manufacturer/supplier or a third party) has to gua-
rantee the following basic requirements:
technical knowledge of the appliance, of the periodic maintenance procedures as described in these instructions;
use of technical personnel in possession of specific qualifications and training in the maintenance operations of the appliance in question;
use of components/replacement parts/accessories that are either original or approved by the supplier, in such a way as to carry out every opera-
tion without causing alterations or modifications to the appliance;
possession of the checklist of operations carried out on the appliance; guarantee complete adherence to the instructions of the 93/42/CEE
Directive also regarding the obligation towards the manufacturer to allow the aforementioned a post sales care and traceability of the appliance
when requested.
The device does not require programmed servicing by the manufacturer or by an authorized service centre.
5.2.2 Servicing Maintenance
The person to whom the servicing of the appliance is entrusted must guarantee the following basic requirements:
adequate knowledge of the appliance, of its technical/construction features, of checks and final tests, of packaging, conservation and handling;
adequate knowledge of the technology used in the making of the appliance;
knowledge of the functions of the appliance, of any potential risks and of the probability of possible malfunctions or break-downs;
to be in possession of all the instruments necessary for carrying out any kind of technical operation regarding servicing;
to be in possession of original replacement parts or those authorized by the manufacturer;
specialized technical personnel trained by the manufacturer for the servicing of the appliance in question;
guarantee complete adherence to the instructions of the 93/42/CEE Directive also regarding the obligation towards the manufacturer to allow the
aforementioned a post sales care and traceability of the appliance when requested.
If used as described in this manual, the device has a life span of 3 years.
© Copyright Spencer Italia S.r.l.
All rights reserved. No part of this document must be photocopied, reproduced or translated into another language without the written approval
of Spencer Italia S.r.l.
The information contained in this document can be modified without warning and is not to be intended as a commitment on the part of Spencer
Italia S.r.l.
Spencer products are exported to many countries in which the same identical regulations do not exist. It is for this reason that there can be many
differences between the description and the actual product delivered. Spencer works continuously to reach the perfection of all the models sold. We
therefore hope to have your understanding if we reserve the right to modify the shape, equipping, lay-out or technical aspects that are herein descri-
bed, at any given time.
The I.V. holder is not perpendicular to the sur-
face of the stretcher on which it has been
Incorrect assembly
Dismount and reassemble the device as
described in paragraph 4.3.1
Damage to the structure
Incorrect use
Remove the device from service and contact
the assistance centre
Support strap
Nylon hook n° 5
Shaped nylon hook n° 5
1. Unscrew the ring nuts n°
4 and lower the tubes down to the lowest tube.
2. Push right down the red button "Push" and guide the tube to a position parallel with the stretcher using a light push (fig. 3)