w w w . s p e e k a . c o m
Speeka s.r.l. Via Carlo Pisacane 42 20129 Milano Italy
[email protected] www.speeka.com T.349-079-5312
Display on: Head Wake allows you to activate Glass and turn on the display by tilting your head
upward. Tilting your head will turn the display on for a few seconds. Use this gesture to quickly
check the time, or issue a voice command using "ok glass." Configure the angle at which to
activate Head Wake from the Settings bundle.
Fig. 33
Head Wake Up to turn on display
Display off: You can also turn the display off by quickly nodding your head up again.
Cards and bundles
It helps to imagine that the Glass interface as a row of cards that wraps around your head.
Cards can contain activity history, content, and other notifications. Using your finger to swipe
the touchpad, you can move forward and backward through your cards. To swipe through your
cards, start at the Home screen.
Swipe forward on the touchpad to scroll through your timeline. You’ll see a history of recent
activity, including searches, phone calls, video calls, photos, and videos you’ve taken using the
Swipe backward to scroll through timely information and settings, including weather, calendar
events, and other in-the -moment info surfaced through Google Now.
Tap cards with a folded corner to open and see more information and related content. These
stacked cards are called bundles.
Tapping on a card will bring up relevant actions related to that card. For instance if you tap on a
picture, you will see actions such as Share and Dele te. Flip between options by single swipe
gestures, just the way you navigate the timeline. A bar along the bottom of the screen scrolls as
you switch between options.
Navigating the timeline
Scroll through items one at a time with a swipe (forward/back) gesture on the touchpad.