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Optional Valve Connections
If siphoning chemical from another container, connect the chemical inlet hose. Turn the
chemical valve to “Chemical In” to siphon into bucket. Make sure liquid solution does not
go above the black level marker on the inlet tube. To descale, turn the chemical valve
to “recirculate”, this stops siphoning and circulates the chemical between the outlet and
return hoses and the bucket. With an optional third outlet hose one can connect a fresh
water source to the “Chemical In” connection and flush the system by turning the valve to
“Chemical in”, again make sure the bucket does not overflow. Additional buckets and lids
are available for sealing and carrying spent chemical.
If the BucketDescaler
is below the unit being cleaned, water can drain out of
the system in excess of the volume of the 5 gallon bucket causing spillage. Either make use
of the valves on the unit being cleaned to limit drainage or place the BucketDescaler
with the unit being cleaned.
4. If the BucketDescaler
has the optional valve, ensure it is pointing towards RECIRCULATE.
Turn unit on and flush system with clean water. If return water is dirty (water in bucket is
dark), dump dirty water down drain and replace with clean water.
If the BucketDescaler
has the optional chemical valve assembly, when it is pointed
towards CHEMICAL, chemical can be drawn in through the hose connected to the
CHEMICAL IN fitting on the pump head.
5. Pour required amount of SpeedyBright
into bucket making sure not to go past the black
narrow band on the inlet hose, maximum fill marker — the one with the strainer on the
end. Drain some water if necessary.
6. Turn on the pump and circulate for 20 minutes. If desired, to reverse flow, turn unit and
connection valves off, switch outlet and return hoses on one end. Do not circulate for
more than 2 hours.
7. Test circulating solution pH occasionally with (SpeedClean part number SC-DS-PH–PAPER).
If pH is above 5.5, drain some solution from the bucket and add more SpeedyBright
Do not dump low pH solution into sinks or drains. Neutralize remaining solution
and circulate for 5 minutes then dispose to drain. Check with local and federal governing
regulations regarding disposal, usually pH above 5.5 can be directed to drains. Sodium
carbonate (Soda Ash) is recommended for neutralization, but sodium bicarbonate (Baking
Soda) will work as well but with a more gaseous reaction. See descaling chemical MSDS for
more guidelines.
8. When pH does not rise, cleaning is complete.
9. To purge descaling solution from BucketDescaler
and heat exchanger:
a. If equipped with chemical ball valve, remove siphon hose from chemical, turn valve to
CHEMICAL IN, and activate unit until hoses run dry.
b. If equipped with flip top purge valve, flip top open and activate unit hoses run dry.
10. Properly dispose of the used chemical/water solution. Disconnect hoses and thoroughly