Spedal Webcam User Manual
Table of Contents
2. Camera settings for Windows system users
3) Audio input (microphone) settings
4) Audio output (speaker) settings
3. Camera settings for Mac OS X system users
3) Audio input (microphone) and output (speaker) settings
4) Photo Booth video recording settings
5) Face Time video call settings
5. Focus adjustment (autofocus)
6. Three-level beauty touch-light adjustment
7. Five-level digital focal length
1) Windows system (Windows 10 for example)
2) Mac OS X system (Mac OS X for example)
3) Amcap video recording software
9. Background changing (Only for Windows system)
IV. Frequently Asked Questions
2. Can the webcam microphone be turned off if I want to use my own one?
3. Does it support background changing or game live streaming?