Within the Spectrum Cellular Configuration screen you will have the following options:
: The “Url” should only be changed if data will be sent to your own server, otherwise keep the de-
fault setting “gprs.meteodata.info.”
: The “Page” should only be changed if data will be sent to your own server, otherwise keep the
default setting “default.aspx.”
Behavior configuration:
By default the “Send data using the GPRS” will be checked, this will trans-
mit data to the server using the GPRS modem on the unit as well as store data on the USB stick (if left
connected to the USB port after configuration is completed.) Unchecking it
will simply store data
on the USB stick and will
transmit any data to the server.
Transmit Interval:
Allows you to select how often the modem transmits stored data to the server by
changing the
“Transmit/alive message interval.”
Example: if your weather station is set to a “Repeat Transmit” interval of 10 minutes and the
“Transmit interval” is unchecked the data is immediately sent to the server. If the “Transmit interval”
is checked the modem will store multiple measurements before transmitting them to the server.
Send alive message:
The default setting sends a message to the server with information about the
telemetry units network, signal strength GPS coordinates (when enabled).
Use GPS:
The telemetry unit has an optional GPS receiver (STD-3388GPS), must be purchased
separately. When checked the telemetry board will use the installed GPS receiver to send its coordi-
nates with the “Alive message,” or during the start-up (GPS idle feature).
GPS idle after receiving first coordinate:
When checked the telemetry board will only send the
GPS coordinates the first time the weather station is powered-up.
Set defaults:
Re-sets the values back to their default settings.
APN, Username and Password:
Fill in the appropriate settings required by your cellular carrier.
Clicking the “Generate” button, will create a “CONFIG.CFG” file with all your new settings.
Remove the USB stick from your PC and re-attach it to the USB connector on the board. Power-up
the board again and wait at least 60 seconds until the storage and modem LEDs are no longer flicker-