Deploying the weather station
Attach the WatchDog Weather Station to the pole
(See the instructions in the WatchDog Weather
Station manual provided with your station). Remove
the far-right gland (cap and strain relief) from the
bottom of the station. Remove the top nut and
washer from the RJ12 (telephone), now feed the end
of the gray cable with the RJ12 connector (it is
hanging from the modem box) through the opening in
the bottom of the station and re-attach the spacer and
nut. This cable has its own gland. Loosen the cap so
it can rotate freely around the wire, and screw the
strain relief into the bottom of the station. Plug the
RJ12 connector into the weather station’s AUX jack,
and tighten the cap onto the strain relief.
AUX Port
Gland re-attached to
You may need to rotate the modem enclosure so it points toward
your nearest cell tower. The antenna may have difficulty
connecting to the tower if the signal must pass through the
battery, modem, and circuit board.
The antenna can be carefully removed from the inside of the door
and mounted at the top of a pole to improve the connection to the
cell tower. Do not attach the antenna directly to a metal pole.
Instead, attach a length of PVC pipe to the top of the metal pole,
and attach the antenna to the PVC.
Gray Cable
Strain Relief