To facilitate cutting of gels without damage to the filter glass, the
UVT-150A UV-transmitting filter protector is available separately. This
accessory also protects the filter from damage caused by acci-
dentally dropping small objects on the transilluminator. In addition,
since buffer and ethidium bromide will not come in contact with
the filter, it eliminates clouding of the glass and high background
To use, set the filter protector directly on the transilluminator’s filter
assembly. Then place the sample on the surface of the UVT-150A.
Please note that the filter protector cannot be used with short wave
UV transilluminators since it does not transmit 254nm.
A convenient hinged UV-blocking cover is available as an acces-
sory. It adjusts to any angle from 0° to 180°, enabling the operator
to work on samples while providing eye and face protection. It also
protects the filter surface from damage caused by accidentally
dropping small objects on the transilluminator. This cover fits conve-
niently over electrophoresis gels and TLC plates.
To install the UVC-250A hinged UV-blocking cover, remove the
screws from the front of the transilluminator. Attach the two brack-
ets supplied with the cover to the front of the transilluminator with
the open slot facing up. Slip the cover into the slots of the brackets.
The screw in the center of each hinge assembly on the cover
adjusts to the proper hinge tension so the cover can be suspended
at any angle from 0° to 180°.
Fig. 1
Tension-Adjustment Screw
Mounting Screws on Cover