480.894.5437 Call us toll-free 1.800.685.2783
2167 East Fifth St, Tempe, Arizona 85281
When considering a location for the installation of the RO System, take the
following factors into account:
Light Sources
1. Most of the components of this system are plastic and are subject to
damage by ultraviolet light from the sun and other sources such as
metal halide lighting.
2. Algae is more likely to thrive inside the clear filter housings when
exposed to bright light.
3. Avoid installing this unit in bright light or direct sunlight.
Temperature Extremes
1. The unit must be kept out of areas that are subject to freezing
2. High temperatures greater than 100° F (38° C) must be avoided. If
the unit is used outside, avoid putting the system in direct sunlight or
connecting it to a garden hose that may be exposed to sunlight.
1. Replacement of 0.5 micron sediment filter once every 6 months. This
will prevent mem brane fouling due to silt or sediment depositing on
the membrane.
2. Replacement of 0.5 micron carbon block filter at least once every 6
months or when chlorine breakthrough occurs. This will ensure good
membrane life and protect the membrane from chlorine damage.
3. Membrane should not be operated at lower than the recommended
concentrate to purified water ratios, as described on page 10.
4. Operating reverse osmosis systems on softened feed water greatly
reduces the chances of membrane fouling.
1. It is recommended that you store your RO System in a cool place
when not being used. Do not let the membrane dry out.
2. Your RO System must be protected from freezing or t e m p e r a t u r e s
above 100° F (38°C).