Speco Technologies® 0106 SG-WR150
Speco Technologies Weatherproof Ruggedized Keypad Instruction Manual SG-WR150
Request To Exit Function
The request to exit input (M-P1 on unit terminal) timer
is linked to user in rank 000.
Every field must be a two digit entry.
The timer value range for illuminating the
keypad is from 01 to 99 seconds.
Valid output timer values are from
01 – 99 seconds.
00 selects the latch (toggle) mode
Default Values
The Speco Technologies architectural backlit keypad
is designed for easy installation. The following defaults
have been factory programmed.
No pre-configured user code
Code length – 4 digits
Illumination duration – 10 seconds
Time delay allowed between key press
10 seconds
Return to stand-by from configuration mode:
120 seconds (2 minutes)
Factory Set Master Code - 1234
Hardware (jumper) reset is provided by the
master code.
Output timer values – 5 seconds
Sounder - ON
Key press for output #2 - Inactive
Key press for output #3 – Inactive
LED when powered up - Red
If additional functions are needed or default changes
are desired, refer to Programming Options chart.
Key Press Active On Output #2 and #3
If ‘key press is active’ on output #2 & #3 is enabled,
then output #2 or #3 cannot be included in the choices
offered by function 52.
Audible Sound Definitions
1 Short Beep
Unit is just powered up, key press or
data is valid in configuration mode.
1 Long Beep
Relay activation following a valid
user code or data recorded in
configuration mode.
2 Short Beeps
Getting In or Out of configuration
4 Short Beeps
Data error.
Default Master Code
When the keypad is in operation, put the jumper
(2 PIN header on Main PC board) in place. The green
LED will turn ON and one beep will sound. The master
code will return to the factory setting - 1234 – and the
code length will return to 4 digits. Remove the jumper
to return to normal operation.
Selection of Outputs by User Code
It is possible to select one or two outputs for
each user code. This is done by entering a two
digit value in the first field of function 52.
Some examples are listed below:
Type ‘12’ if you want the user code to
activate outputs 1 and 2
Type ‘23’ if you want the user code to
activate outputs 2 and 3
Type ‘13’ if you want the user code to
activate outputs 1 and 3
Type ‘02’ if you want the user code to
activate only output 2
Type ‘01’ if you want the user code to
activate only output 1
Keypad Self Test Operation
The self test confirms that the unit is operating
Connect the wires from a 12V or 24V
power source to the power input
Install the jumper (in back of the unit)
Turn the power ON from the power
source and the Orange LED should
Type: 7890#123456*. Self test begins
Red LED turns ON
Default values are written
‘Output 1 default timer value’ is read
Orange LED turns ON
Codes are written in rank 000 and rank
Green LED turns ON
‘Output 2 and Output 3 timer value’ is
Green LED turns OFF
1.5 second activation of the 3 outputs
The two programmer codes are read
Orange LED turns OFF
Two beeps sound
Memory is reset and default values are
Press ‘request to exit’ (make a short
between M and P1 terminal position
The Red LED should blink
Remove the jumper
Turn power OFF and back ON
One beep should sound
This should be a good guide for those who would like
to test the unit before installing it. If a problem is
encountered, the unit will beep continuously until the
jumper is removed and the unit is reset.