Account & Permission Management
NVR User Manual
Edit Security Question
You can set password security only for admin. Click “Edit Security Question” and then set questions and answers in the popup window. If you forget
the password for admin, please refer to Q4 in Appendix A FAQ for details. The passwords of other users can be recovered by admin or the users that
have the “Account and Authority” permission.
Modify Password
Only the password of admin can be modified. Click “Modify Password” to pop up a window. Enter the current password and then set new password.
Click “OK” to save the settings.
Modify Pattern Lock
Some models may not support this function.
Click “Modify Pattern Lock” to pop up a window.
Enter current password and then check “Enable” to input pattern lock.
Recover Password
Click “Recover Password” to reset the password to 123456.
Edit User
Click “Edit User” to pop up the window as shown below. The admin is enabled, its permission control is closed and permission group cannot be
changed by default. You can enable or disable other users (if disabled, the user will be invalid), open or close their permission control (if closed, the
user will get all the permissions which admin has) and set their permission groups. Click “OK” to save the settings.