Basic Operation Guide
NVR User Manual
2.3 Mouse Control
Mouse control in Live Display & Playback interface
In the live display & playback interface, double click on any camera window to show the window in single screen mode; double click the window
again to restore it to the previous size.
In the live display & playback interface, if the interfaces display in full screen, move the mouse to the bottom of the interface to pop up a tool bar.
The tool bar will disappear automatically after you move the mouse away from it for some time; move the mouse to the right side of the interface
to pop up a panel and the panel will disappear automatically after you move the mouse away from it.
Mouse control in text-input
Move the mouse to the text-input box and then click the box. The input keyboard will pop up automatically.
2.4 Text-input Instruction
Power Button
Switch off—to stop the device
Record Button
To start recording
-/-- /0-9
Input number or choose camera
Fn1 Button
Unavailable temporarily
Multi Button
To choose multi screen display mode
Next Button
To switch the live image
To go to sequence view mode
To enable audio output in live mode
No function temporarily
Direction button
To move cursor in setup or pan/title PTZ
Enter Button
To confirm the choice or setup
Menu Button
To go to menu
Exit Button
To exit the current interface
To control PTZ camera
Preset Button
To enter into preset setting in PTZ mode
Cruise Button
To go to cruise setting in PTZ mode
Track Button
No track function temporarily
Wiper Button
No function temporarily
Light Button
No function temporarily
Clear Button
No function temporarily
Fn2 Button
No function temporarily
Info Button
Get information about the device
To control playback. Play (Pause)/Stop/Previous
Frame/Next Frame/Speed Down/Speed Up
Snap Button
To take snapshots manually
Search Button
To go to search mode
Cut Button
No function temporarily
Backup Button
To go to backup mode
Zoom Button
To zoom in the images
PIP Button
Not active
Note: Mouse is the default tool for all operations unless an exception as indicated.