Remote Control ID
Set the remote control ID.
1. Select ID.
2. Input the remote control ID number.
3. An icon will indicate on the Live Screen if the remote control ID is
The options are from 0 to 99
Select the type of each sensor.
Option is Off, Normal Open or Normal Close.
Software Triger
Remote trigger channels. User can set the channels that want to make a
sensor recording through remotely with Software record mode.
4-4-1. Digital Deterrent
Trigger audio message via motion detection or sensor.
Figure 4.4.1. Digital Deterrent setup screen
Table 4.4.1. Item for Digital Deterrent Setup Screen
Import From USB
Import up to 8 sound files from USB.
Export To USB
Export the sound file to USB
Select a channel and set up the date and the duration.
Select START to export audio to Digital Deterrent.
Select the play button to hear message after export.