8999129: v1 11/09/2018
Page 1.4 of 1.11 pages
Original instructions (ENGLISH)
Website: www.spearheadmachinery.com
Agricut 180: 1.80m Cut, 540 PTO, In-line Topper
This manual covers the Agricut 180 series of topper mowers which are 1.80m cut, rear mounted, 540 PTO, in-line
machine, perfect for grasslands and paddocks. These efficient, small farm machines consist of a main deck, A-
frame linkage system and individual swinging blades.
The Agricut series is powered through a 540 PTO drive from the rear of a suitable tractor.
Standard features include 1.80m cutting width, shaft driven, variable cutting height, three-point linkage a-frame
mounting with reversible CAT1/2 lower link pins, shear bolt PTO protection and head/deck float.
The Spearhead Agricut 180 series is primarily designed for the topping of grass pasture land after grazing, or for
thistle and weed control on agricultural land. The Spearhead Agricut 180 machines are not designed for grass
mowing or for set-aside cutting along with brush/woodland clearance.
In the interest of safety and for the protection of your mower you must never use this machine to perform tasks it
was not designed to do.
This operator’s manual should be regarded as part of the machine. Suppliers of both new and
second hand machines are advised to retain documentary evidence that this manual was
provided with the machine.
This machine is designed solely for vegetation control and must not be used for any other
purpose. Use in any other way is considered as contrary to the intended use. Compliance with,
and strict adherence to, the conditions of operation, service, and repair, as specified by the
manufacturer, also constitute essential elements of the intended use.
This machine should be operated, serviced, and repaired only by persons who are familiar with
its particular characteristics and who are acquainted with the relevant safety procedures.
Accident prevention regulations, all other generally recognised regulations on safety and
occupational medicine, and all road traffic regulations must be observed at all times.
Any arbitrary modifications carried out to this machine may relieve the manufacturer of liability
for any resulting damage or injury.
It is potentially hazardous to fit or use any parts other than genuine
The company disclaims all liability for the consequences of such use which, in addition, voids
the machine warranty.