SpeakerCraft – 1-800-472-5555 – 1-707-778-5733
The rear panel Input Level adjustment screws allow you to adjust the level of
the SpeakerCraft System Integration Amplifier relative to other amplifiers in your
system and / or to limit maximum safe gain to protect speakers in the system.
Start this adjustment with the Input Level Adjustment Controls at their
factory default. (12:00 position).
For systems that have multiple amplifiers and / or operated by remote
control, i.e. in-wall volume controls, touch pads, etc., use the Input Level
Control to achieve a “maximum” desired listening level across all of the
amplifiers / zones, following these steps:
1. Lower the Input Level Controls to the minimum position. If there are any
other amplifiers in the system, lower their respective Input Level Controls
to their minimum (all amplifiers in your system must have level controls.)
2. Raise all of the individual in-wall volume controls to their loudest setting.
3. Play a loud radio station with the tuner set to Mono.
4. Raise the volume of your preamplifier or receiver SLOWLY – if you hear any
sound, lower the volume and recheck that all of your amplifiers Input Level
Controls are turned to their minimum. They must be at their minimums.
Raise the volume again on your preamplifier or receiver SLOWLY. If no
sound is heard, proceed to step five.
5. Have someone step into each room and listen as you adjust each Input
Level Control to the desired maximum level for that room. (Special note:
There is a potential of running the amplifier into “clipping distortion” and / or
“protection shut-down” by raising the Input Level Controls to their extreme.
Please review “Listening at Higher Volumes” following this section.)
• In applications with multiple amplifiers, step between the different zones /
rooms and adjust the Input Level Controls of each additional amplifier to
best match the volume of the first amplified zone / room.
• With independent Input Level Controls for each channel, volume balance
between speakers within the same room is possible, allowing fine volume
tuning for the most appropriate listening position variables.