User manual
Pag. 17 of 17 Issue 2 – May 2011
The Expert 2K-FA allows also QSK (FULL BREAK-IN) operation
Thanks to the perfect
control carried out on RX / TX switching relays, any possibility of "hot switching" is
This feature is compatible with all modern transceivers, in fact the minimum delay
required before transmission is only 6.5 msec. (check the manual of the transceiver).
In the case (very remote) of minor delay, you can use the link TX - INH (see "CAT"
paragraph) or, upon purchase, ask for optional installation of " vacuum relays " (Kilovac
HC1 12 Vdc.)
The Expert 2K-FA has inside an automatic tuner (ATU) system that allows the selection
of 6 different antennas and their automatic tuning (see "TUNER" paragraph).
The "SPE RAT1" allows to remote such ATU bringing to a more convenient location
(roof, towers etc..), using a single coaxial cable, no other cable is required.
The length depends only
on RF cable attenuation.
You get the following benefits:
- A single cable between the amplifier and antennas.
- Cable always perfectly matched, and hence lower losses.
- ATU closer to the antenna.
- Drastic reduction in the number of cables that stem from the shack, and hence money
The "SPE RAT1" is provided in a water proof container, the procedure of installation is
very simple:
- Remove the ATU unit from the linear.
- Install in its place the new unit included in the option.
- Install the ATU in the water proof container.
- Connect, with a coaxial cable, the unit replaced with the "SPE RAT1".
Following these simple steps (explained in detail) it is possible to have remotely the
same features as if the ATU is still inside the linear.
(Contact factory or your distributor for availability)
The use of tuneable antennas (SteppIR, Ultrabeam) is becoming popular
antennas vary the physical dimensions of the elements in accordance with the operating
frequency to guarantee always a perfect resonance.
The Expert 2K-FA, through the dedicated connector "PORT" connected to the antenna
controller, allows their automatic control following the tuning knob.
This dedicated link allows the following advantages:
- Simplification of wiring, the difficulty of adding an additional wiring to CAT input is
- Compatibility with all types of CAT, the Expert 2K-FA converts the CAT protocol, so
two different transceivers (CATs) can be used simultaneously with the same controller.
- Thanks to the frequency counter inside the linear, the antenna can be controlled also
without the use of CAT.