You will notice that the data will start jumping around as the line following sensors on P0 and P2 read the surface.
Below is a snapshot of the line following sensors on a light surface. Notice that the output of both sensors were not
the same. This is due to the slight differences in the line following sensors. You may see a different output with
your sensors.
Moving the micro:bot over a piece of brown cardboard and black electrical tape, you will notice that the sensor
readings move at the same time when the graph zooms out.
White Table under P0 and P2
Brown Cardboard under P0 and P2
Black El
For this reading, we moved the micro:bot further into the cardboard so that the distance between the line following
sensors and cardboard box were the same.
Let's look at the same graph but highlighted for the different surfaces. Overall, the output is similar to what we saw
in experiment 2 when the motors are turned off.