2nd most common setup with a 915MHz Radio providing RTCM
Picture hanging strips from 3M make a nice semi-permanent mount. Plug the 4-pin to 6-pin JST cable included
with the RTK Surveyor from the
port to either of the Serial Telemetry Radios (shipped in pairs). We really
love these radios because they are paired out of the box, either can send or receive (so it doesn't matter which
radio is attached to base or rover) and they have remarkable range. We achieved over a mile range (nearly 1.5
miles or 2.4km) with the 500mW radios and a big 915MHz antenna on the base (see this tutorial for more info).
Temporary Base
A temporary or mobile base setup is needed when you are in the field too far away from a correction source and/or
cellular reception. A 2nd RTK Surveyor is mounted to a tripod and it is configured to complete a survey-in (aka,
locate itself), then begin broadcasting RTCM correction data. This data (~1000 bytes a second) is sent to the
user's connected radio of choice. For our purposes, the 915MHz 500mW telemetry radios are used because they
provide what is basically a serial cable between our base and rover.