file:///C|/Users/Frank/Documents/Spad%20Plans%20in%20PDF%20format/zipped/derelict/build.html[6/15/2011 2:15:56 PM]
1) The fuel tank is wrapped in foam for a snug fit, and the engine and engine
mount are mounted conventionally. Make sure the throttle pushrod housing
doesn't chafe directly on the fuel tank (we've learned this one the hard way!).
We have also learned that mounting the engine at 45° (muffler down) not
only helps keep goop off your plane, but helps fuel draw during high G
Radio Installation:
NOTE: Your engine and gas tank should already be mounted at this point.
Your Derelict MUST balance level to slightly nose heavy at the wing spar. A
tail heavy condition is not acceptable, and is VERY unsafe!
1) Glue the elevator and aileron control horns in place. Be sure to take into
account the pushrod angles on the ailerons. FLAMING OF THE HORNS
2) Cut a hole in the wing just aft of the spar for a snug aileron servo fit. Flame
and glue the two PVC aileron servo mounts to the wing. Cut a small hole in
the bottom of the wing for the servo lead. Drill for, and mount the aileron
servo using servo screws.
3) Mount the elevator servo by cutting a hole in the rear fuselage to accep
the servo, and secure using servo screws.
4) Secure the throttle servo to the inside of the fuselage using two sided
foam mounting tape. For extra security, you may wish to drill a hole on each
side of the servo in the fuselage, and secure with a zip-tie.
5) The battery and receiver are wrapped in foam for a snug fit. We have also
used two sided foam mounting tape or velcro for this. As this is a combat
plane, we recommend filling all voids inside the fuselage with foam to protect
your equipment. We also recommend drilling holes in the fuselage on each
side of the battery, and further securing
it in place with a zip-tie!
6) Switch mounting and antenna routing are a matter of personal preference.
A section of plastic tubing glued to the inside of the fuselage makes a great
antenna guide, and the switch on the prototype is mounted on top of the
fuselage near the elevator servo.
7) Set your control surface throws as follows: set ailerons & elevators - 1/2"
to 3/4" up & down (1" to 1 1/2" total).
NOTE: When rigging your ailerons, ensure that the bottom of the ailerons are
parallel to the top of the fuselage! Do not allow then to droop (like flaps)! If
your ailerons droop, they will drastically affect pitch trim!
Flying your Derelict: