file:///C|/Users/Frank/Documents/Spad%20Plans%20in%20PDF%20format/zipped/derelict/build.html[6/15/2011 2:15:56 PM]
critical is getting the tail mounted square! Also, the outward pressure of the 4
MIL Coroplast® on the V-tail support may enlarge your V-tail angle. This is
acceptable up to 120° total angle, and will even give your elevators more
1) The wing is fabricated from a 36" x 19" piece of 2 MIL Coroplast®, with the
corrugations running chordwise
2) The ailerons are fabricated from 4 MIL Coroplast® with the corrugations
running spanwise. Hinge as shown in the drawing. A 4" piece of 4 MIL scrap
is used as a filler between the ailerons.
3) Mark the wing leading edge fold line, and spar glue line. Using a straight
edge and small blunt tipped object, score the inner radius of the leading edge
fold line, and bend over the edge of a table.
NOTE: Flame all plastic parts with a propane torch before gluing! Medium CA
is used for all wing construction. USE SMALL 1/8" DROPS EVERY INCH OR
4) Glue a standard 36" yardstick to the spar glue line (see note below before
glueing your spar down).
NOTE: While utilizing a standard width yardstick is fully acceptable, we have
discovered that if you cut it down to 7/8" wide, you will notice an increase the
overall speed of the Derelict, while retaining it's outstanding turning ability!
So if you want to gain an extra speed "edge", cut the yardstick down to 7/8"!
5) Test bend the wing top panel over the spar. Here is where things can get
tricky, and it's nice to have 5 hands or a helper! The bottom wing panel
should remain flat, and the top panel trailing edge must be marked and
trimmed flush with the bottom panel trailing edge. Once accomplished, unfold
the wing, and glue the ailerons and filler piece to the bottom wing panel.
6) Fold and glue the top panel to the spar and trailing edge. A wood 2 x 4
works great for holding the trailing edge down! Kraut has found that holding
the leading edge down with a piece of angle iron while glueing also works
NOTE: By nature, the leading edge of your finished wing may be slightly
raised, and your lower wing may be slightly undercambered towards the rear.
This is acceptable, and is what gives this airplane such great performance!
7) Glue the PVC rubber band protectors to the leading and trailing edge as
shown on the overview drawing.
Engine and Fuel Tank: