file:///C|/Users/Frank/Documents/Spad%20Plans%20in%20PDF%20format/zipped/derelict/build.html[6/15/2011 2:15:56 PM]
correct CG position is achieved. Mark the fuselage where the leading and
trailing edges are on the fuselage. Then mark and drill for the dowel holes -
keeping them 1/2" in front of the leading edge mark and a 1/2" aft of the
trailing edge mark you made earlier. If you build the Derelict per plans, and
you use full size gear, you will have an extremely tail heavy airplane that you
may not be able to balance correctly!
2) Drill for, and install the 4 1/2" long x 3/16" dia. wing hold down dowels as
shown. Fuel proof the hold down dowels with CA.
NOTE: Install the wing hold down dowels as close to the upper fuselage
gutter pipe radius as possible to assure proper fuel tank clearance!
3) With the rear fuselage cut out scrap, fabricate 4 control horns, two wing
rubber band protectors, one V-tail support, and two small aileron servo
mounting pieces (size will be determined by the servo you use).
4) The firewall is fabricated from 1/2" plywood cut to the inside diameter of
the gutter pipe, and is mounted flush with the forward edge of the fuselage
with four #6 x 1/2" self tapping screws.
5) Drill a small hole in the rear left side lip of the fuselage for combat
streamer attachment!
1) Cut the V-tail from 4 MIL Coroplast® as shown on the tail drawing, with
the corrugations running spanwise.
2) Hinge the elevators by cutting away the bottom side of the hinge line
3) Using a straight edge, and small blunt tipped item (such as a #1 phillips
screwdriver) score the inside radius of the two fold lines, and bend the V-tails
over the edge of a table.
4) Mark the PVC V-tail support bend locations. Using a propane torch (even
a cigarette lighter will work) heat up the PVC, and bend each side to a 45°
angle. Bending over a block of wood or table edge will assure a nice crisp
5) Using a propane torch "flame" the tail and V-tail support. Using medium
CA, glue the V-tail support in place as shown in the drawing.
6) The tail is attached to the fuselage using two #6 x 1/2" self tapping screws.
Make sure the pilot holes you drill in the fuselage are small enough to allow
good screw grip!
NOTE: The location of the V-tail support, and the tail mounting screws is not
critical, as long as the support is roughly centered in the "meat" of the tail,
and the mounting screws are near the outer edge of the fuselage. What is