file:///C|/Users/Frank/Documents/Spad%20Plans%20in%20PDF%20format/zipped/derelict/index.html[6/15/2011 2:15:55 PM]
Simple Plastic Airplane Design
SPAD Derelict
The Derelict. This is our third design entry for an RCCA legal open "B" class plane.
The main difference in this design is the choice of materials. We use 2 mil
Coroplast® for the wing, and the fuselage is made from a light weight, smaller O.D.
gutter pipe. All up flying weight with a Magnum® .25, three Hitec® HS-81 servos
and a 270 mah battery is 2 lb 4 oz! The Derelict is our best flying open "B" class
design yet, and boy does she fly!
Type: Combat
Wingspan: 36"
Length: 24"
Engine: .25 - .30
Channels: 3 - Elevator, Ailerons & Throttle
[S.P.A.D.] [
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