- 5 -
Enable device
Access programming mode
20 0 or 1 ??? 0 or 1
= Enable target unit(0=Main Controller Parameter Setting,1=WG Input Port Parameter Setting)
[Please refer to
Compound Command Function List
for details.]
[e.g.] If the
set to
exit reader
WG Reader
set to
access reader
Access programming mode
20 0 128
20 1 192 [Please refer to f
Compound Command Function List
for details.]
Enable/Disable auto open zone
Access programming mode
20 0 or 1 ??? 0 or 1
= Enable target unit(0=Main Controller Parameter Setting,1=WG Input Port Parameter Setting)
[Please refer to
Compound Command Function List
for details.]
[e.g.] If the
set to
Enable aut open zone
Access programming mode
20 0 004 [Please refer to function default value for details.]
[e.g.] If the
WG Reader
set to
Enable aut open door without presenting card
Access programming mode
24 1 128 [Please refer to function default value for details.]
Enable/Disable auto open door without presenting one valid card
Access programming mode
24 0 or 1 ??? 0 or 1
= Enable target unit(0=Main Controller Parameter Setting,1=WG Input Port Parameter
[Please refer to
Compound Command Function List
for details.]
[e.g.] User address from 00152 to 00684 enable the anti-pass-back function:
26 00152 00684 0
Enable card user
Access programming mode
SSSSS= starting user address; EEEEE= ending user address [P=0 Enable/ P=1 Disable/ P=2 Reset]
[e.g.] AR-331-E/EF(
without WG reader
), to set second time zone which could be passed only at 9:30am to 4:20pm on Mon, Wed and Fri.
Access programming mode
08 10 02 09301620 01010100
setting is completed
Setting up access time
Access programming mode
08 MW NN HHMMhhmm 7123456H [M=AR-331-E/EF; W=Reader(0=disable,1=enable); NN: 16 sets of
auto-open zone (NN=00~15); HHMMhhmm=Starting time to ending time; 7123456H= 7 days of week + Holiday (F= 0: disable; 1: enable)]
Usually, anti-pass-back is commonly applied to parking areas in order to prevent from multi-entry with one card at a time, or somewhere wants to
monitor not only the access but also exit condition.
Door will remain open after flashing one valid card. When the reader is stand-alone, supporting only 16 sets of auto-open zone by device setting.
Auto-open zone can extend up to unlimited sets by Networking.
Please refer to paragraph
Compound Command Function List
below to ensure command 20
0 or 1
??? / 24
0 or 1 ??? will not
reset the functions that already had been changed.
F. Anti-pass-back
G. Auto Open Access (uncontrolled) Time Zone – Automatically Release
H. Lift control
Single floor
[e.g.] User address NO. 45 only can reach the elevator to the 24th floor:
27 00045 24
Access programming mode
UUUU=User Address LL=Floor number (01~64 floor)
Connect with
to control floors which the user will be able to access.
D. Setting up the password
E. PIN & UID Length setting
Individual PWD (M4/M8)
Card or PIN:
Access programming mode
12 UUUUU PPPP [e.g. User address: 00001 and PWD: 1234. Input 12 00001 1234 ]
Card and PIN:
Access programming mode
13 UUUUU PPPP [e.g. User address: 00001 and PWD: 1234. Input 13 00001 1234 ]
Access programming mode
42 m n
PIN code Length
4~8 Digit
UID Length
2~8 Digit
(4 is default value)
42 8 4
PIN code Length 8 Digit
UID Length 4 Digit