4.2. E xternal C leaning
W ash the outer cabinet with warm soapy water. Do NOT use abrasive
products. There m ay be sharp edges on the unde rside of the product, so care
should be taken when cleaning. Once or twice a year dust the rear of the
appliance and the com pressor at the back of the appliance, with a brush or
vacuum cleaner, as an accum ulation of dust will affect the perform ance of th e
appliance and cause increased energy consum ption.
4.3. D efrosting
The interior of this appliance is cooled using a special cooling plate m ounted on
the rear wall. During operation this plate will appear wet but please note that
this is quite norm al. Any ice build up on the wall plate will be defrosted whilst
the com pressor is not in operation. At the base of the wall plate there is a sm all
channel and outlet where the defrost water passes to be evaporated above the
com pressor unit.
It is im portant that the channel and outlet are kept clean
and free of debris.
If ice build up on the rear wall exceeds 3-5m m , em pty the contents and switch off
the appliance, leave the door open and allow the ice to m elt.
D o not use sharp
objects to scrape the ice aw a y.
Clean and dry the interior, close the door and
turn on the power to the appliance. W hen the power has been
restored the appliance will start to operate but it m ay take som e tim e to achieve
the pre-set operating tem perature.
4.4. W hen the appliance is not in use
W hen the appliance is not in use for long periods, rem ove the contents,
disconnect from the electricity supply and clean the appliance, leaving the door
ajar until you wish to use the appliance again.
4.5 . C h a ng in g th e In te rio r L igh t B u lb
Switch off the power supply to the appliance
Rem ove the screw that secures the interior light perspex cover in place.
Rem ove the cover and unscrew the bulb.
Replace the bulb with a suitable replacem ent.
Refit the cover and switch the appliance ba ck on.