damaged, avoid naked flames or sources of ignition and ventilate the room
in which the appliance is situated.
Do not dam age the refrigerant circuit.
Do not allow children to play with the appliance. Children m ust never
play in or around the appliance.
If using an adaptor, this m ust be used in accordance with the
m anufacturers instructions and ensure that the electrical circuit is not
overloaded as this could cause overheating.
Do not twist or bend the cables, and keep them away from hot surfaces.
Do not plug ın or unplug this appliance with wet hands.
Following installation m ake sure that the power cable is not trapped
underneath the appliance.
S ection 3. O perating the Appliance
3.1. S w itching on the Appliance
Allow the appliance to stand for 4 hours after installation.
Plug in the appliance and switch on at the m ains supply.
Set the therm ostat control to the required setting as detaile d in the
Tem perature Control section (3.2.).
Leave the appliance for approxim ately 4 hours for the correct
tem perature to be reached.
3.2. Tem p erature C on trol
The tem perature selector knob is located at the front of the interior light unit
(see Description of the Appliance on page 4).
Setting “0”: Unit Off
Setting “1”: Unit On – W arm est Tem perature
Setting “3” to “5”: Norm al Operation (adequate for m ost situations)
Setting “7”: Coldest Tem perature
Im portant!
During high am bient tem peratures e.g. on hot sum m er days, it m ay be
necessary to set the therm ostat to the coldest setting (position 5). This m ay
cause the com pressor to run continuously in order to m aintain a low
tem perature in the cabinet.
W hen the com pressor is running continuously the larder fridge will not be able
to carry out autom atic defrosting as this can only take place when the com pressor
is not in operation (see the ‘Defrosting’ section). Should a layer of
frost develop on the rear wall of the cabinet, turn the tem perature regulator back
to a warm er setting (e.g. position ‘2’ or ‘3’), as this will cause the com pressor to