switch off and allow autom atic defrosting to take place as norm al.
3.3. N orm al O p erating S ounds
You m ay hear faint gurgling or bubbling sounds when the refrigerant is pum ped
to the cooling system and through the coils or tubing at the rear of the
appliance. W hen the com pressor is in operation you m ay hear a slight whirring
sound or pulsating noise. The therm ostat controls the operation of the
com pressor, and you m ay hear a slight click as it cycles in and out.
3.4. E nergy S aving Advice
Do not install the appliance close to sources of heat, such as a cooker,
dishwasher or radiator. Locate the appliance in a cool well-ventilated room and
m ake sure that the air vents are clear.
Try to avoid keeping the door open for long tim e, warm air will enter the cabinet,
and m ay cause a build up of ice as well as affecting the energy consum ption.
Ensure there are no obstructions preventing the door from closing properly
3.5. In the E vent of a P ow er Failure
If there is a power failure, keep the door closed. W hen the power has been
restored the appliance will start to operate but it m ay take som e tim e to achieve
the pre-set operating tem perature. Check the condition of your stored food
item s and liquids.
S ection 4. M ain tenance
B efore any m aintenance or cleaning w ork is carried out, D IS C O N N E C T the
appliance from the E LE C TR IC ITY supply.
4.1. Internal C leaning
Clean the interior and accessories with warm water and bicarbonate of soda
(5m l to 0.5 litre of water). Rinse and dry thoroughly. Do not use detergents,
abrasive powders, highly perfum ed cleaning products, wax polishes or cleaning
products containing bleach or alcohol.
Ensure that the defrost water channel and outlet are clean and free of debris
(see Defrosting)