Southworth Products
DDL Dock Lift Manual
Workplace Inspections
- Before the machine is used and during use, the operator shall check
the area in which the machine is to be used for possible hazards such as, but not limited to:
Bumps, floor obstructions, and uneven surfaces
2. Overhead obstructions and electrical hazards
3. Presence of unauthorized persons
4. Other possible unsafe conditions as noted in the operating manual.
Operator Warnings and Instructions
- The operator shall ensure the operation of the
machine is in compliance with the following:
Guarding system
- Guarding shall be installed and positioned, and access gates or
openings shall be secured per the manufacturer’s instructions (If applicable).
Distribution of load
- The load and its distribution on the platform shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer’s rated capacity for that specific configuration.
Maintaining overhead clearance
- The operator shall ensure that adequate clearance
is maintained from overhead obstructions and energized electrical conductors and parts.
Point of Operation
- The operator shall not place any part of their body under the
Precaution for moving equipment
- When other moving equipment or vehicles
are present, special precautions shall be taken to comply with the safety standards
established for the workplace.
Reporting problems or malfunctions
- The operator shall immediately report to a
supervisor any problem(s) or malfunction(s) that become evident during operation. The
operator shall ensure all problems and malfunctions that affect the safety of operations
are repaired prior to continued use.
Capacity limitation
- Rated capacity shall not be exceeded when loads are transferred
to the platform.
Work area
- The operator shall ensure the area surrounding the machine is clear of
personnel and equipment before lowering the platform.
Securing the machine
- The operator shall comply with the means and procedures
provided to protect against use by an unauthorized person(s).
Altering safety devices
- Safety devices shall not be altered or disabled.
or alterations of the machine or the fabrication and attaching of
frameworks or the mounting of attachments to the machine or the guarding system shall
only be accomplished with prior written permission of the manufacturer.
Assistance to the operator
- If an operator encounters any suspected malfunction
or any hazard or potentially unsafe condition relating to capacity, intended use, or
safe operation, the operator shall cease operation of the machine and request further
instruction from the owner/user.
Problems or malfunctions
- Any problem(s) or malfunction(s) that affect the safety of
operations shall be repaired prior to the use of the machine.