as the serial number
. SouthWing reser-
ves the right to refuse warranty service
if this documentation is not presented.
Any product repaired or replaced
will be covered by the same warranty
conditions until the end of the original
warranty period or 90 days (whichever
is later).
The free repair or replacement
warranty does not cover failure of the
product due to normal wear and tear
misuse, use contrary to the product
user guide, accident, modification or
adjustment, forces of nature, or dama-
ge resulting from contact with liquids.
Only service personnel who have
been approved by SouthWing may
repair this product. Attempted repair
by anyone else will void this warranty
At the discretion of SouthWing
, a
faulty unit will be either repaired or
replaced. If repair is not possible,
SouthWing reserves the right to repla-
ce the faulty product with another pro-
duct of equivalent value.
SouthWing does not offer any fur-
ther express warranty
, neither written
nor oral. T
o the extent allowed by local
, any implied warranty or condition
or merchantability
, satisfactory quality
or fitness for a particular purpose is
limited to the duration of the warranty
described above.
the extent allowed by local law
SouthWing will not be liable for any
incidental or consequential damages of
any nature whatsoever
, including but
not limited to lost profits or commer-
cial loss.
Some countries or states do not allow
the exclusion or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages, or limita-
tion of the duration of implied warran-
ties. This may mean that the limitations
or exclusions stated above do not
apply to you.
This guarantee does not affect the con-
sumer's statutory right under applica-
ble local laws in force, nor the consu-
mer's rights against the dealer arising
from their sales/purchase contract.
14. DECL
, SouthWing S
., declares that
this Bluetooth Hands
ree Car Kit is in
compliance with the essential require-
ments and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
For more information, please visit:
This equipment has no usage limitations in
the EU
CATL-User guide internal pages_final.qxd 01/09/2005 16:34 Seite 10