If the installation is to include booth monitor speakers and a booth microphone, care should be taken to turn down the booth output
before turning up the microphone input to prevent acoustic feedback. Similarly, do not turn up the booth output until the booth
microphone has been turned down. This will prevent embarrassment as well as possible equipment damage.
Mono Output:
A mix of the left and right signal busses is taken out to a 6.3mm (1/4 in.) three-conductor jack on the rear panel. This unbalanced output
is intended to be a convenient feed for lighting controllers, etc. While it is possible to take program audio for other purposes from this jack
(for restroom speakers, dressing rooms, bar areas, etc), it should be remembered that this output is not affected by the house and
booth output level controls and, therefore, a separate level control should be provided.
Tape Outputs:
Two parallel sets of RCA-type phono jacks provide convenient means for connecting to tape recorders. These outputs are not
affected by the tone controls, the output level controls, or any device connected to the effects loop (see below).
Effects Loop:
The effects loop is a patch point into the signal path at the same point as the tape outputs. The Loop Out and Loop In connectors are
RCA-type phono jacks. External factory installed jumpers connect them together.
To use the effects loop, the jumpers must be removed. Connection is then made from the effects loop output to the input of the external
processing device and from the output of that device to the effects loop input. Devices inserted in the effects loop should have unity
nominal gain to preserve best possible signal to noise ratio.
If no effects processor is connected to the EFFECTS LOOP then the jumper bars must be inserted. If they are not inserted
there will be no audio output.