© 2008-2022 SOTA Instruments Inc.
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The Water O
zonator Model WOZ5 Manual
Temperature of Water:
chilled water holds more ozone, however room temperature
water is healthier for the stomach.
: When the timer is set for 15, 30 or 60 minutes, the lights indicate remaining
time. for example, when set for 60 minutes, the green
60 minute LED flashes
continuously. As time progresses, the green 30 minutes leD comes on as well to
indicate there is 30 minutes or less remaining. As time progresses, the 15 and then 5
minute leDs will each come on to indicate the time remaining.
: larger quantities of ozonated water can be stored in a thermos or glass
container with an air-tight lid. the amount of ozone in the water will continue to
dissipate, eventually leaving no ozone in the water.
Charcoal filter
: A charcoal filter inside the unit protects the circuit from the ozone in
air. Excess beads of charcoal may fall off the filter and out of the unit. This is normal.
Simply discard the beads.
if the built-in air pump stops running, turn the unit off and contact your
closest repair depot. See page 7.
typiCAl Use
to begin, drink one glass per day. if well tolerated, increase to two or
more glasses of ozonated water daily. it is best to drink ozonated water on an empty
Length of Use:
the SotA Products User guide available at
www.sota.com/spug offers suggestions for focused, Basic and ongoing Wellness
sterilizing WAter
The output of the Water Ozonator is sufficient to sterilize water. It does not remove
impurities such as heavy metals - a water filtration system is needed for that. The
amount of time required to sterilize water depends on the degree of contamination of
the water.