Early Suppression Fast Response
Pendent Sprinklers ,
Pulsar™ ESFR-25™, K=25.2
The Star Pulsar ESFR-25 Pendent Sprinklers (Ref. Figure
1) are “Early Suppression Fast Response Sprinklers” hav-
ing a nominal K-factor of 25.2. They are suppression
mode sprinklers, and their use is especially advanta-
geous as a means of eliminating the use of in-rack sprin-
klers, when protecting high-piled storage.
The Pulsar ESFR-25 is primarily designed for use with
storage heights of most encapsulated or non-encapsu-
lated common materials including cartoned unexpanded
plastics of up to 40 ft. (12,2 m) and with ceiling heights of
up to 45 ft. (13,7 m). In addition, the protection of some
storage arrangements of roll paper and rubber tires can
be considered as well.
The Pulsar ESFR-25 provides the system designer with
hydraulic and sprinkler placement options not presently
available to the traditional ESFR sprinklers having a nomi-
nal K-Factor of 14.0. In particular, the Pulsar ESFR-25
has been designed to operate at substantially lower end
head pressures, as compared to ESFR sprinklers having
a nominal K-Factor of 14.0. This feature offers flexibility
when sizing the system piping, as well as possibly reduc-
ing or eliminating the need for a system fire pump. Also,
the Pulsar ESFR-25 permits use of a maximum deflector-
to ceiling distance of 18 inches (460 mm) versus 14
inches (360 mm); and, a storage arrangement of up to 40
ft. (12,2 m) with a ceiling height of up to 45 ft. (13,7 m)
does not require in-rack sprinklers as do ESFR sprinklers
having a nominal K-Factor of 14.0.
The Pulsar ESFR-25 Pendent Sprinkler is also Listed by
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) and by UL for use in
Canada (C-UL) as a “Specific Application Early Suppres-
sion Fast Response Sprinkler” as indicated under the UL
and C-UL Specific Application Design Criteria section.
The specific application listing provides for reduced pres-
sure design for the protection of certain commodities.
Applications for the Pulsar ESFR-25 Sprinklers are ex-
panding beyond the current recognized installation stand-
ards. For information regarding research fire tests which
may be acceptable to an Authority Having Jurisdiction
(e.g., flammable liquids, exposed plastics, and aerosols),
please contact the Technical Services Department.
The Pulsar ESFR-25 Sprinklers described herein must be
installed and maintained in compliance with this docu-
ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the Na-
tional Fire Protection Association, in addition to the stand-
ards of any other authorities having jurisdiction (e.g.,
Factory Mutual Research Corporation). Failure to do so
may impair the integrity of these devices.
The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protec-
tion system and devices in proper operating condition.
The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should
be contacted relative to any questions.
The fusible link (heat collector) assembly is comprised of
two link halves which are joined together by a thin layer
of solder. When the rated temperature is reached, the sol-
der melts and the two link halves separate, which then al-
lows the sprinkler to activate and flow water.
SIN S8010
Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (800) 558-5236 • Fax: (414) 570-5010
Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 • Fax: (800) 791-5500