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Instructions for use Airon
2 General information
Make the desired pack size and secure the wheelchair and all dismantled parts with adequate
load securing. Basically, the wheelchair is suitable for transport (land / air). Find out about suita-
ble load securing measures before transporting the wheelchair.
Carrying points:
• Stabilizing bar with the back folded down
• Frame cross members at the front and rear
• front frame tubes left / right
• but not on the footplates.
2.3.1 Loading and transport without occupants
2.3.2 Transport of the wheelchair with occupants in the vehicle
Due to their purpose, wheelchairs can never achieve the stable properties of a seat sys-
tem that is permanently mounted in the vehicle. Whenever possible, we recommend using a
fixed vehicle seat to transport a person in the vehicle.
Only wheelchairs that have successfully passed a crash test according to ISO
7176-19 may be used as a seat in a motor vehicle. Successfully tested wheelchairs
are marked with the symbol for the attachment point on the attached label.
The Airon has been successfully tested according to ISO 7176-19 and is
therefore approved as a seat in a motor vehicle if you have the necessary
restraint devices.
Please check whether your wheelchair is custom-made and therefore may not
be used as a seat in a motor vehicle. In this case the symbol for the fastening point
is missing from the rating plate and the wheelchair is provided with a warning,
represented by the negated symbol for the fastening point.
Further information can be found in the crash test brochure at www.sorgrollstuhltechnik.de/
We can recommend the following manufacturers of restraint systems:
• SORG-Retaining eyelets on the wheelchair
• Q‘Straint Europe
How to remove and re-attach the drive wheels can be seen in chapter 3.1.3.
How to fold the back can be found in chapter 3.2.