Special functions
Menu “7. Special functions” is used to set basic
items and expanded functions.
The menu is closed by pressing “esc” or select-
ing “Exit special functions”.
7. - Special functions
Other than the time all settings may
only be made by a specialist.
This menu contains the settings for the speed controlled output V1.
7.2. -
Signal V1
7.2.1. -
Type of Ventilator
The type of speed controlled ventilator must be entered here.
: Speed control of ventilators by 0-10V signal.
: Speed control of ventilators by PWM signal.
7.2.2. - Ventilator
In this menu, preconfi gured profi les for various ventilators can be selected. Please
note that individual settings are still possible even when a profi le has been selected.
7.2.3. - Output Signal
The signal can become inverted here for special ventilating fans. This function is for
ventilating fans which run with 10 % / 100% smallest speed and with 0.1 V / 1% biggest
7.2.4. - 0-10V off / PWM off
7.2.5. - 0-10V on / PWM on
7.2.6. - 0-10V Max / PWM Max
7.2.7. - Show signal
Displays the set signal in text and a graphical diagram.
This signal / this voltage is put out when the ventilator is switched off (ventilators that
can detect cable break need a minimum signal).
This signal / this voltage is needed to turn the ventilator on at minimum speed / mini-
mun voltage.
This determines the output signal / the output voltage for the highest speed of the venti-
lator, that is used e.g. during purging or manual operation.