Clock and Calendar
Use the Calendar application to manage your time schedule.
If you have signed in to and synchronized your device with one or several online
accounts that include calendars, for example, your Google account, then calendar
events from these accounts will also appear in the Calendar application. You can
select which calendars you want to integrate into the combined Calendar view.
When an appointment time approaches, your device plays a notification sound to
remind you. Also, (Calendar notification icon) appears in the status bar.
Calendar overview
Access settings, select a view type and the calendars that you want to view
Access an overview of the current month
Return to the current date
View menu options
Scroll up or down to browse the calendar
Add a calendar entry
You can set one or several alarms and use any sound file saved on your device as
the alarm signal. The alarm does not sound if your device is turned off.
The alarm time format displayed is the same as the format you select for your
general time settings, for example, 12-hour or 24-hour.
Internet version. For personal use only.