2 terminals. For example, you can listen to the same music from an AV device located in the
living room in both the living room and kitchen, or watch a movie in the living room while
music from a different device is played in the kitchen.
The volume can be adjusted separately for each room.
Connect one more receiver or amplifier in Zone 2 to the ZONE 2 OUT terminal to enjoy
more powerful sound in Zone 2.
Listening in three locations ― Zone 2 + Zone 3
In addition to Zone 2, you can enjoy music at the same time in a third room by connecting
the speakers located in the third room to the SURROUND/ZONE 3 terminals. For example,
audio from an AV device placed in a living room can be played in the kitchen and a terrace at
the same time, or different content can be played in each of the three rooms.
The volume can be adjusted separately for each room.