PCWA-A100/C100 (UC)
Confirm that “PASS” is displayed.
If “FAIL” is displayed, check the six-digit ID number and enter it again.
If “FAIL” is displayed again when the ID number is reentered, do the following.
• When inspecting the Access Point:
Judge the Access Point as defective.
• When inspecting the PC Card:
Judge the PC Card as defective.
When Windows 95 version 4.00.950 is not available in “2-1-1 Preparation for Inspection - B” to be used for inspecting of notebook PC:
Before starting inspection, complete setup of the notebook PC prepared in “2-4. Inspection Procedure of Access Point Modem” by
referring to “2-4-1 Preparation”.
Wireless LAN Link Test
1. Complete “2-1-2 Inspecting the Access Point and PC Card”.
2. Follow the procedure on pages 44 to 46 of the PCWA-C100 Instruction Manual to establish the communication with the standard Access
Point for inspection or the Access Point to be analyzed.
3. Follow the procedure on page 48 of the PCWA-C100 Instruction Manual to establish the communication with the standard Access Point
for inspection or the Access Point to be analyzed.
4. If the communication with the standard Access Point for inspection or the Access Point to be analyzed cannot be checked, return to page
46 of the PCWA-C100 Instruction Manual and repeat checking the communication from [Select].
5. If the communication still cannot be established:
• When inspecting the Access Point: Judge the Access Point as a defective point.
• When inspecting the PC Card: Judge the PC Card as a defective card.