fader paging/selection
Fader Panel
Select to Faders Panel
Pan Panel
Select to Pans Panel
The OXF-R3 Fader Paging and Select
To Faders functions are essential parts
o f t h e c o n s o l e ’s p o s i t i v e a p p r o a c h t o
assignability. The channel faders can be
paged in banks of 24, independently on the left
and right sides of the console. This allows control
of all 108 channel faders from either side, so two
people can operate the console. There are 64 physical faders
for mixdown on the 24C24 control surface with the other channels
only one button away. The faders and cut switches can control all 30
of the critical level adjustments in the channel path, including input
gain, multitrack send, group trim, multitrack monitor, Aux Send levels,
sub bass and channel level. These are mapped to the channel faders
by the Select to Fader switches. In addition to panning, the Pan rotary
can also control all of the above level adjustments, with the exception
of sub bass. This allows the console to mimic the style of ‘in-line’ and
split analogue consoles.
The ability to call the Aux Sends to the faders allows headphone
balances to be mixed on full-length faders. Pan controls and fader
automation switches are also assigned to the Aux Sends. To help
make quick headphone balances, the channel fader monitor mix can
be quickly copied to any of the Aux Sends. In addition fader balances
can be copied to multitrack send faders, allowing stereo mixes to
become the basis for multi-format mixes.
Each fader has two, six-character alpha-numeric displays and the pan
control has an additional display. These displays have several modes
including channel number, programmable channel name and level or
pan value.
T h e p r i m a r y r o l e o f t h e A c c e s s s w i t c h e s a b o v e a n d b e l o w t h e
Fader/Pan sections is to call channels on to the assignable ‘input
module’. However the upper switch can also be used for ‘Quick Copy’
of channel parameters and the lower switch can be used for linking
channel control.