Following the same logical approach as the Select To Faders on the
channel faders, the two banks of group faders can be switched to
function as the Aux Send Masters, the Stereo Sub-group outputs or
the 32 Control Group Masters. Two alpha-numeric displays are
provided to show information that includes level, group name and
send name. The control groups can manage any combination of
channel faders on hidden and
non-hidden fader pages. The
control groups also provide Cut
and Solo functionality.
The 24 Aux Send Masters also have a dedicated control section that provides control
of AFL and Cut, as well as the stereo linking of adjacent Aux Sends. While the large
number of Aux Send outputs provides ample mixing outputs, the Multitrack Busses
are also available for use with additional effects processors.
Below the ‘Send Outputs 1-24’ panel is the Stereo Sub-groups section with Level, Cut,
Solo and AFL. The Stereo Sub-groups can be used to create mix-minus outputs, clean
feeds or music-only mixes. The Stereo Sub-groups can be routed separately out of the
console, returned to the Main outputs or routed to the Multitrack busses. In the Multiformat
mode, the Stereo Sub-groups function as the multiformat Monitor Busses. The internal
electronic patching system allows the Aux Send and Stereo Sub-group signals to be routed to
either analogue or AES/EBU output connectors.
Send Outputs and Stereo
Sub-group Panels
Select to Faders, Group Faders
and Main Fader Panels
aux sends and group masters