A l e j a n d ro M. L o p e z
Sony’s technology:
Transcending ages
and generations
Mr. Alejandro M. Lopez is the
President of beacon communica-
tions k.k., an advertising company
that has produced numerous
television commercials. Here, he
shares some of his thoughts on
unique ways to use Sony products
that reflect his creativity.
I use a lot of Sony mobile devices in my work, like a cellular
phone and CLIÉ, the personal digital assistant, but I have even
more Sony products at home. Inside an antique wooden cabinet
in my living room are numerous Sony products, including an AV
amplifier, an Airboard location free television, a DVD player, a
CS tuner and a PlayStation 2. I don’t have a television in the
living room because I prefer to use a Cineza video projector.
Using an entire white wall as a screen, I enjoy watching every-
thing from movies to news programs.
I graduated from an art school and like painting in oils. Whenever I
have the time, I paint at home using my other Cineza video projec-
tor as an assistant. In the old days, Dutch and Italian painters used
mirrors and lenses to paint life-like portraits. With my Cineza, I can
project pictures from my digital still camera and video camera onto
my canvas. Cineza has a side-shot feature that prevents distortion
even when projecting at an angle. Recreating an age-old painting
technique using modern digital technology
is truly a gratifying experience.
My son the
Airboard expert
When I have friends over for a visit
and my son Sora, who is three-and-
a-half years old, finds our conver-
sation hard to follow, he comes to
ask me if he can use the Airboard.
I say yes, and he’s already run off
somewhere in the house with it to
watch his favorite cartoons and
movies. It just goes to show that
even young children can enjoy
using state-of-the-art technology.
The artist’s
An antique
cabinet is my
Sony treasure
Alejandro M. Lopez
President and Representative Director,
beacon communications k.k.
Alejandro M. Lopez joined Leo
Burnett (USA) in 1986. Since then, he
has had a diverse creative career in
North America, Europe, Latin America
and Asia. In 1997, he came to Tokyo,
where he played a key role in the
establishment of beacon communica-
tions k.k., serving as its Managing
Director and Chief Creative Officer. In
March 2004, he was appointed to his
current position.
beacon communications k.k. URL: