Basic Functions
FCB-EV7520A(GB) D-023-100-11(1)
Alarm interval
Motion is
detected in
frame 1.
Alarm issue
Alarm issue
Alarm issue
Alarm issue
Motion is
detected in
frame 1.
Motion is
detected in
frame 1.
Motion is
detected in
frame 1.
Motion is
detected in
frame 1.
Motion is
detected in
frame 2.
Motion is
detected in
frame 3.
Motion is
detected in
frame 3.
Sending Alarms
• When motion is detected, the Alarm Replay
command is issued via the serial command (VISCA)
communication line.
• When multiple motions are detected or motion is
detected in another frame within the set interval
following the original time the alarm was issued,
another alarm command is not issued.
• When motion is detected after the interval time
elapsed, the alarm is issued again.
• Frame Set
You can set up to four frames by assigning the starting
and terminating points.
Set a terminating point higher vertically and
horizontally than the starting point. If you set the
wrong value, an error occurs.
8x 01 04 1D 0m 0p 0q rr 0s FF
m: Select Detection Frame (0: Frame0, 1: Frame1,
2: Frame2, 3: Frame3)
- (0, 1, 2, 3)
p: Frame set Start Horizontal Position
- (00 to 10)
q: Frame set Start Vertical Position
- (00 to 0E)
r: Frame set End Horizontal Position
- (01 to 11)
s: Frame set End Vertical Position
- (01 to 0F)
• Alarm Reply
When motion is detected in the set frame, the camera
issues this command. This command includes the
information on the number of the detected frame.
y0 07 04 1B 0p FF
p: Frame Number (bit0: Frame0, bit1: Frame1,
bit2: Frame2, bit3: Frame3)
Setting Commands
• MD On/Off
The Display mode is selected by the Function Set
command and frames are set by the Frame Set
command. By sending an MD On command, the
frame is displayed when motion is detected in the set
frame. The Alarm Reply command is sent via the
serial command (VISCA) communication line.
8x 01 04 1B 02 FF --- On
8x 01 04 1B 03 FF --- Off
• Function Set
Select the detected frame, and set the Threshold Level
and the Interval Time.
8x 01 04 1C 0m 0n 0p 0q 0r 0s FF
m: Display Mode
on/off (bit0)
n: Detection Frame set on/off (bit0:Frame0, bit1:
Frame1, bit2:Frame2, bit3:Frame3)
- (0 to F)
pq: Threshold
- (00 to FF)
rs: Interval time set
- (00 to FF)
(When pq and rs are 0, the command is received, but
the setting is disabled.)