Redbox Embedder/De-embedder User Handbook
This page allows you to configure the group sources for each of the available De-Embed
banks on the unit. This page is not available on the RB-VHEMA8 unit.
When in bank control mode, only the top group selection box is available for each bank.
This selects the group to de-embed to all the channels in that bank.
When in channel control mode, all of the selection boxes become available, allowing you
to individually select a group and channel for each output.
Bank Enable
: This control enables the bank for De-Embedding.
: Selects the group and/or channel for De-Embedding to the bank.
: Individually enables each channel within the bank. Only used in channel control
Embed Page
Fig 7-4: SCi Embed Screen
The two Embed pages allow you to control embedding for each SDI output. These pages
are not available on the RB-VHDMA8 unit.
When in bank control mode, only the top bank selection box is available for each group.
This selects the bank to embed to all the channels in that group and then channel
assignments are shown in the channel selection boxes.