D:Scribe User Handbook
Setup of Archives
D:Scribe MiniPlayer can select and playback archived audio file from two archive sources,
a primary and a backup. For MiniPlayer to correctly display the recorded time/date of the
audio files, Auto-Archive must be configured to archive using BWF formatted audio file, and
the ‘Use cut start time as folder name’ option checked.
Fig 5.7 D:Scribe MiniPlayer
Fig 5.8 Menu Button
The D:Scribe Menu button is located on the left of the screen. From the
popup menu you can open audio files for playback and control the function
of your footpedal control.
Fig 5.9 Open Archive Menu
Before archived audio files can be open, MiniPlayer
needs to know where to locate them. Select ‘Open
Archives’ from the menu to display the ‘Open Primary
Archive’ dialogue.
Before archived audio files can be open, MiniPlayer
needs to know where to locate them. Select ‘Open
Archives’ from the menu to display the ‘Open Primary
Archive’ dialogue.
Fig 5.10 Setup Archive Sources
To setup the primary archive source select ‘Setup
Primary Archive’ from the menu.
Set-up the backup archive source in the
same way.