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Installation instructions – Wooden frame collectors
In-roof installation
Fix the collector on the left side with 2 Torx 4 x 80mm
Screw slanting through the frame beam all the way
through to the slat.
Uncover the area needed for the installation of the
Width: width of a collector group + 0,5m (left) + 0,5m
Height: 2,5m (for one-row fields)
Install a 70/70mm support bracket on every rafter.
Place this bracket below the lowest slat and screw into
the rafter with 2 Torx 4 x 80mm screws.
Place the first collector (the left one) up on the roof.
The collector must be parallel to the rafters.
* Note: in order to cut fewer tiles during the covering
Phase, it is recommended to make sure that the
distance between the collector and edge of the tiles is
55 mm (see picture besides)
page 6 - Installing the collectors
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