Step 2: Filler Panel Installation
a. Use Insert Filler Panel
Hardware provided with the Insert Filler Panel:
(4) Screws #8 x 3/4”L, Hex Head
(4) Screws #6 x 1 1/4”L, Phillips Head
Do not remove the protecting film on the outside of the panel yet.
Place the panel (with the protecting film still on) into the cabinet
with the top of the panel to be in the contact with the top of the
Note that there are two mounting holes on each of the left and right
sides of the panel. Use the marker to mark the holes’ locations.
Carefully remove the panel out of the cabinet.
Use the power drill with the 1/8” drill-bit to drill four holes at the
marks. Each hole should be roughly 1-inch deep.
Remove the protecting film on the outside of the panel. Recommend
to put the cotton glove on the one hand that is used to hold the
panel to avoid finger prints. The other hand that is used to peel the
film will not need glove.
Carefully slide the panel into the cabinet. Drive four #8 x 3/4”L Hex
Head screws (provided) into the mounting holes on the left and right
sides of the panel to secure the panel to the cabinet.
b. Use Hanging Filler Panel
Hardware provided with the Hanging Filler Panel:
(4) Screws #6 x 1 1/4”L, Phillips Head
(3) Double Sided Tape Strips
Remove the protecting film on the outside of the panel. Recommend to put
the cotton glove on the one hand that is used to hold the panel to avoid
finger prints. The other hand that is used to peel the film will not need glove.
se two double-sided tape strips (provided).
Remove the backings on one side of the tape and place them with
the adhesive side onto the bezel as showed in Figure 7. Keep the
backings remaining on the front face of the tape.
Loosen the screws that were used to secure the cabinet to the studs
(typically these screws locate on the left and right sides of the
cabinet). Store these screws for later use. Then pull the top part of
the cabinet out slightly, just enough to hang the panel on the top
bezel of the cabinet.
After the top of the panel is hung on the bezel, remove the backings
of the tape and then press the panel onto the tape to secure the
placement of the panel.
Re-install the mounting screws on the left and right sides the cabinet
to complete the panel installation.
double sided