Generating hierarchical label list with eXport software
The Label List Generator generates cable labels in customizable hierarchical (building
name-> floor-> telecom room-> rack-> panel-> port) order before conducting cable
certifications, reducing effort from keying labels after every test. The pre-defined
labels imported into the device will prevent duplicate testing when conducting in non-
sequential orders.
To create label list,
1. Launch eXport and go to Tools > Label List Generator.
2. Enter the first and last label of each tier into the respective fields.
3. Tiers can be disabled by unchecking if it is not applicable.
4. Click the “Save” button to save the list based labels.
5. Insert USB flash drive to PC and click the “Export to USB” to begin export.
To load label list,
1. Insert USB flash drive to Local unit of WireXpert.
2. Select “Label List” and select the label list you want to import.
3. Select “Copy Label Files”.