The File Manager can be accessed directly from the home screen. In this menu,
you can create your own project structures and external test lists can be imported
from the eXport data management software and firmware updates be loaded.
In addition, logos can be imported for report generation and license keys can be
transferred to extend the range of functions.
The main task is the exchange of test data between the internal memory and
external medium by means of a USB stick (adapter to micro USB is included).
Figure 40 – File Manager (left only internal memory, right internal and external memory
with connected USB drive)
You can use the File Manager to manage both the internal and the external file structure
(e.g. of an attached USB memory).
The left side always shows the internal memory. When connected, the content of an
external memory is displayed on the right.
You can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to enter a
New Dir
files and directories.
You can also copy files and directories from left to right and vice versa.
You can use the filter icons to hide individual file types to improve the overview.
You will find different file types on the NetXpert XG. The original test data has the “*.tst”
ending and cannot be changed or read externally. Test protocols are usually filed for
direct distribution in PDF format. The protocols of the test runs can either be a short
summary or a detailed PDF file.
In addition, an open CSV and proprietary XML format is still available to read in and
process test results, e.g. in MS Excel or eXport.